Jul 2007: Power Of DIGG.Com

Statistics of beoue.com after hitting first page of digg.com

1100 digg votes still counting (source: digg)

93 Comments (source: digg)

~ 30000 unique visitors (source: weblogs)

~ Surprisingly 70% of them firefox users (source: Google analytics)

~100000 Hits (source: weblogs)

123 people bookmarked this site in del.icio.us (source: del.icio.us, majority of the people tagged it as : analysis, popular, statistics)

18 people so far written about this app in their blog (source: technorati) – Interesting one is here http://www.techipedia.com/2007/07/11/digg-api-tools/


Now read this

Sep 2007: Key Learnings – From Extreme Programming (Agile)

From my experience, don’t follow XP (Extreme Programming) methodology for bigger ERP kind of product development; follow this for smaller teams (~20 members) and 2 to 6 months project. If the team is geographically dispersed, don’t even... Continue →