
Ayappadi, a wonderful village surrounded by paddy fields and small Cauvery by river called ‘veera cholan’. Most of the people’s livelihood is paddy cultivation and its associated agriculture work, but in recent times as like any other Cauvery delta villages, agriculture become things of past. People started migrating to different parts of the world to make a living. Many people from this village live away from home, in alien countries, just to make money, leaving their spouses and kids back in the village. They spend most of their young age in other countries with out seeing their loved ones for many years.

I moved to this village at the age of 8 and lived there for 15 years. I still believe that, my friends at this village having great influence and impact on my life. My current thoughts are formed and shaped during my young ages at this village. If I look back, what ever me, my ideas, my world views, all are influenced by the activities what I did as teen along with my friends Noorullah, Sadik, Aliyul and many others (hobby clubs, exhibitions, political debates, drama scripts, paintings, printings, electronics). We started companies (First one is called Amazon, long before Amazon.com :) ), Conducted exhibitions, formed political debate groups etc. This still inspires me to accomplish more as we did better things as kids. Those memories still fresh and feels really good. If there is Ctrl+Z in life, I wanted to go back to Ayappadi life (as a kid of course).

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