Jan 2009: Enterprise IT Software: A Scam? Trap for companies…

When I was about to chose a degree, I was told that, computer science will become obsolete in few years once computerisation of all legacy manual systems are over, so i was advised to chose electronics.

When i look back, it was not the case. I made my career out of computers though I studied electronics, also I don’t think computer jobs are going to be obsolete in near future.

When working on any Enterprise projects, people do often get nervous about their job safety, what is going to happen after the project is over.

But the Software upgrades, support licenses renewals, new OS upgrades, Technology changes, new kind devices, keeps the the job relevant, as projects need to be rewritten, old systems need to EOLed for new technologies. The cycle continues and job safety guaranteed, and big software vendors survive in this cycle happily. It is a trap for enterprises, and scam for humanity.


Now read this

Sep 2007: XTreme Programming (Agile) – 101

Light weight software development methodology for small to medium sized projects. No need to follow complex processes and filling tons of documents for anything, save the precious time the mighty programmers have and relieve them from... Continue →