Jul 2007: Being At Top On Digg.Com

6 hours after submitting the application details of beoue.com in digg.com it suddenly become popular, not able to control myself in hitting refresh button many times in my browser to see how many ‘digg’ each time my story gets. People started noticing it as the story made it to first page of digg, started commenting also. This is really nice feeling some one noticing your work, appreciating, suggesting new features, criticising, giving feedback, GREAT. Thank you all.


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Sep 2007: Key Learnings – From Extreme Programming (Agile)

From my experience, don’t follow XP (Extreme Programming) methodology for bigger ERP kind of product development; follow this for smaller teams (~20 members) and 2 to 6 months project. If the team is geographically dispersed, don’t even... Continue →